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The only difference is my kids aren’t blue.

TOGO (2019)

So get this! You know the famous sled dog Balto they have a statue of at Disney World? We’ve been hoodwinked into thinking he’s the hero of this story. The deal was there was a sickness in Alaska in the early 1920’s. The medicine was miles away and they needed to get it to this town. There was this big relay planned with all these sled teams. I think like 7. Traveling through terrible conditions. The average leg was 31ish miles. But there was one sled team that traveled over 250 miles and that team was led by TOGO. But what happened was the last leg was completed by BALTO so that’s the dog that got the credit and hence the statue. All involved are heros but TOGO is bad ass that ran over 250 miles in the stormy snow AND he was past his prime!

This movie made me want to get a dog and I have 3 kids AND I got bit by a dog this year. Great family movie!


Since 1985 with Weird Science Robert Downey Jr.. has been solid as a rock. He delivers every time and he does it again here in 2020 with Dolittle. I loved this movie, my kids loved this movie, and the song “Original” at the end by Sia is great. We listened to it 3 times on the way home.


Not Finding Neverland. I was pumped for this movie after I saw the trailer. It was the perfect kid movie but also inspiring the overworked parents to focus on L-I-V-I-N. A movie for all the family! Rare. But shit if it fell flat. There is a touching scene a little over halfway through with McGregor and Pooh that showed the signs of life. A good scene, I even teared up. This was the best scene for me. Ok positive, I loved the looked. The colors were muted and the tone was like the end of Senior year when you say good bye to all you friends. A perfect set up for a coming home. Gradually bring up the colors and when Christopher Robin returns we'll reach our climax, we'll cry, and be inspired about how we want to improve our life. But the slow, sad start never paid off. Christopher Robin's coming home was like meeting up with an old high school friend where all you have in common any more is high school. The film never got me as high as the trailer did. I didn't hate this movie but I was disappointed and my kids were bored. And because of this I found Pooh and his clumsical honey act annoying as shit. 


The first time I even heard of Pelé was when I watched the 1981 John Huston movie called Victory (With Stallone & great PG movie btw). I didn't know he was real. I was 6 btw. Obviously as I grew up I learned more about him so when I came across Birth of a Legend I showed it to my kids. I'm going to be perfectly honest, they play with toy swords half the of movie but they never lost full interest. They kept going back to it and by the end they were all in. I loved this movie. Pelé's life from the beginning all the way to his stardom. Solid movie and if you like soccer it's even more stout.


Ok, going in I didn’t really know about the origin of the comic. I talked to my buddy and he mentioned that NYC was the original landscape. Then Coogler moves it to Oakland because that’s where the original Black Panthers started….pretty cool and I didn’t know that shit. I was onboard from the get go with this movie. It’s greatastic and really entertaining. My kids loved it!


I took my kids to this movie and I knew very little about it. As to say, I knew it was a kids movie, that was about it. There was a small hiccup when a thirty minute Oloff short was mixed into the trailers making me think I was in the wrong movie (I think they've fixed this) and using up all my kids attention time. Once Coco was on it slowly grabbed me. By the end my kids were a wreck but I was trying every thing I could to keep them hanging on because I was engulfed in this movie. I might as well have watched the ending during a street riot (2 kids running around) and I still managed a few tears. I never knew much about the Day of the Dead (Sorry Mexico) but it's a pretty cool holiday. So is Coco, check it out.


Ok a throwback here that popped up on HBO Go this month. An Ivan Reitman classic and I'm always trying to go the old classic route first . Now I'm not sure Kindergarten Cop should be in the company with Swiss Family Robinson and Old Yeller but this viewing went very well. There is some questionable violence, especially in the beginning but once Arnold is at the school my kids loved watching kids their age give Schwarzenegger hell. Boys have penis's and girls have vagina's was a bit hit. 


I have you guys watched this film in awhile?! OMG how hard was this movie to make? Back in the day this was my favorite movie. I loved how they built their how in the trees. That what I remembered. But after watching this recently I was reminded how many animals were in this. So many animals and with significant roles! Had to be a nightmare to shoot logistically. I'll be honest and say I loved it more than my kids but you kind of gotta force this one on them. It's a true classic and I consider it the best kids movie of all time. And I know that's bold but it's simply true. And it teaches survival!  I've even read the book! When has that ever happened. FYI don't read your kids the book it didn't go so well for me. Two pages in they were wrestling. And get this, George Lucas got the idea for Annakin Skywalker from this movies director.